Sunday, March 11, 2007

Basque Chicken

Thursday 8 March
After our return from Athens, OH, we made poulet basquaise, Basque chicken, so called because it basques in its own juices. An old bistro standard. We had found some nice peppers at the market and still had the legs from the roast chicken.
Sautéed some long thin strips of onion, red pepper, yellow pepper in a little oil. Then 2 cloves chopped garlic. Added chopped tomatoes, a little salt and black pepper. I pulled the chicken legs in two with one Herculean jerk (no comments!), and buried them in the sauce. Covered loosely and cooked down. Tasted after about 20 minutes, but it still needed a little something extra. That something was about 1/2 tsp of the pimenton della Véra. Gave it just a subtle hint of heat and a different type of pepper.

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